each birth is as individual as you

Not into hypnobirthing, but want some good, realistic and practical birth preparation? Suzanne draws on her decades of midwifery experience to bring you a full program of bespoke birth education to your home.

This is for you if:

  • you’d like to choose particular areas of birth preparation that suits you and your family

  • you’d rather have bespoke birth education in your home than go to classes or a workshop

  • you're feeling anxious or uncertain about labour and birth

  • you'd like more in-depth birth preparation than what you’ve been offered in the maternity system

  • you want practical, up-to-date information from a trained professional with experience of all types of birth

  • you've had a negative birth experience in the past

  • you're seeking a positive, joyful birthing experience that benefits both baby and you as parents

1-2-1 birth preparation

What will I learn?

All about the physiology of birth, feeding and caring for a newborn, and the modern maternity care system.

Some examples of what you will learn:

  • what to expect. Before labour, in early labour and in the dizzying heights of the birth.

  • practical ways your birth partner can support you

  • early labour coping techniques

  • the physiology of labour - what is actually happening to your body? What do you need to know about supporting your body during labour?

  • hormones of labour - how they function, and how to use them to your advantage to having a normal birth

  • delivering your placenta - what you need to know

  • the ins and outs of water birth

  • pain relief options - what you need to know

  • info on medical interventions - forceps, caesarean section, inductions.

  • how to get breastfeeding off to a good start

  • what newborns need to feed well

  • newborn sleep

  • postnatal period - what is normal, and how to heal from the birth

  • and more! You choose what you need

How do we get started?

3 2-hr sessions in the comfort of your home.

We will have a discussion before we begin on your individual circumstances and plans for the birth

Working with Suzanne

Start your journey to a positive birth with Suzanne