each birth is as individual as you
Treat yourself to personalised preparation from a professional with decades of practical birth experience.
Browse here to check out detailed info on all of my evidence-based and midwifery-informed private birth education.
1-2-1 birth preparation
Not into hypnobirthing, but want some good, realistic and practical birth preparation? Suzanne draws on her decades of midwifery experience to bring you a full program of bespoke birth education to your home.
This is for you if:
you’d like to choose particular areas of birth preparation that suits you and your family
you’d rather have bespoke birth education in your home than go to classes or a workshop
you're feeling anxious or uncertain about labour and birth
you'd like more in-depth birth preparation than what you’ve been offered in the maternity system
you want practical, up-to-date information from a trained professional with experience of all types of birth
you've had a negative birth experience in the past
you're seeking a positive, joyful birthing experience that benefits both baby and you as parents
is this for me?
What will I learn?
All about the physiology of birth, feeding and caring for a newborn, and the modern maternity care system.
Some examples of what you will learn:
what to expect. Before labour, in early labour and in the dizzying heights of the birth.
practical ways your birth partner can support you
early labour coping techniques
the physiology of labour - what is actually happening to your body? What do you need to know about supporting your body during labour?
hormones of labour - how they function, and how to use them to your advantage to having a normal birth
delivering your placenta - what you need to know
the ins and outs of water birth
pain relief options - what you need to know
info on medical interventions - forceps, caesarean section, inductions.
how to get breastfeeding off to a good start
what newborns need to feed well
newborn sleep
postnatal period - what is normal, and how to heal from the birth
and more! You choose what you need
How do we get started?
3 2-hr sessions in the comfort of your home.
We will have a discussion before we begin on your individual circumstances and plans for the birth

preparing for caesarean section
is this for me?
With pregnancies that are deemed higher risk, it is sometimes recommended to plan for an elective caesarean section. If you are in this position, we can work together to prepare to have a joyful, satisfying birth.
This is for you if:
you’d like to be fully prepared for the theatre experience
you’d like to prepare your body best for surgery and recovery
you’d like to have a special birth experience
you’d like to know what to expect in the recovery period
you’d like to know how to get your newborn feeding well
Some examples of what you will learn:
what to expect. What happens in theatre, what is the process, who is there
what your birth partner will be doing, and how they can take part
how to write a birth plan that makes your experience unique and special, and how to make that happen
recovery time - planning your first couple of weeks to help with recovery
breastfeeding following caesarean section - how to help the feeding get started well
risks - what are they? How are complications managed?
What will we learn?
How do we get started?
1 2-hr session in the comfort of your home.
We will have a discussion before we begin on your individual circumstances and plans for the birth and then you can contact us to book in a time

caring for a newborn: feeding and sleep
Whether you’re planning to breastfeed or formula feed, there is a lot to know about newborns and their needs. This session will prepare you to care for your newborn in these early weeks.
is this for me?
This is for you if:
you’d like some 1-2-1 education and preparation time with a professional on preparing for breastfeeding or formula feeding
you’d like practical information on the needs of a newborn, and how best to prepare for this time
you’d like to be well-prepared for what to expect in caring for your newborn in the first weeks, and avoid feeling overwhelmed
What will we learn?
Some examples of what you will learn:
if breastfeeding is your choice - how to get this started in the best possible way.
if formula feeding is your choice - how to safely feed your baby in a healthy way
how your partner can support you with feeding
what to expect - how often does a newborn need to feed? how do we know they are getting enough?
how often does a newborn sleep? What do they need to sleep?
what physiological changes to expect - in your body, and in your baby’s - in the first couple of weeks
How do we get started?
1 2/3-hr session in the comfort of your home.
We will have a discussion before we begin on your individual circumstances and plans for the infant feeding and then you can contact us to book in a time

birth plan session
is this for me?
This is a 1-2-1 session for you and your birth partner to work out what is best for YOU in planning your birth. It’s a great opportunity to find out more about possibilities you hadn’t considered and to work out what choices serve you best.
This is for you if:
you’d like some input into your birth planning
you’re not sure what you can ask for around birth planning, or how to achieve it
you’d like support in having your wishes respected
What will we do?
This session is run by exploring various options and what is important to you in your birthing experience.
we explore your individual pregnancy circumstances and any birthing advice you’ve been given
we then explore what your wishes are, regardless of advice or restrictions you may have been given
we work out a plan that can realistically be implemented within the maternity system
we go through the logistics of getting your plans heard.
How do we get started?
1 2-hr session in the comfort of your home.
We will have a discussion before we begin on your individual circumstances and plans for the birth. This allows Suzanne to prepare for your unique situation before we begin exploring all options. Contact Suzanne to book in a time.

speak to a midwife
Sometimes you just need to speak to someone about changes in your pregnancy, or getting advice around your birth plans. I can help to look at your situation, point you to independent and evidence-based information to help you organise your plans.
Working with Suzanne